
Welcome! I’m Dani Canton, a Bioprocess Engineer

Optimization and Technology: The Key to Enhancing Your Bioprocessing Strategies

biotechnologist bioprocess specialist

My Main Skills

Fermentor Specialist

Extensive experience working from lab scale to pilot scale bioreactors in batch, fed-batch and continuous culture.

Technology Transfer

Responsible of the process transfer from r&D to production plant in numerous projects.

Scale-Up Optimization

Experience finding weak points in processes in which more robust solutions can be implemented.

Academic Information

Degree in Biotechnology

The degree was achieved with a mention in Process Biotechnology in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. An Internship was done in the Wageningen University & Research.

Msc. in Biological and Environmental Engineering

This master’s degree combines the synergies of two disciplines. Both are studied in depth from the point of view of a Chemical Engineer.

Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Quality

Focusing in Quality Management, GMP and Validations in the pharmaceutical industry.

Latest Posts

nor and par bioprocess

The Critical Role of NOR and PAR Parameters in Bioprocessing

In the bioprocess industry, it is essential to establish and maintain control over the manufacturing process to ensure product quality ...
gantt chart to improve processes

Streamline Your Production Processes with Gantt Charts

Are you struggling to optimize your business processes? Do you find it difficult to prioritize tasks and ensure project success? ...

Bioprocess UpStream Processing

In the bioprocess field, we call upstream processing to all the operations that need to be prepared before the fermentation ...

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